Anti-Religious Propaganda

I’m not sure what was worse—having to tell him or seeing his muted reaction. He’s 14 now and I’ve had to explain this kind of bigotry to him many times before, so the revelation elicited little more than an eye roll. He has come to expect it now.
It’s an eye-opener to discover that Leah Remini’s “Premath” had an entirely different script. Before Remini unleashed a salvo of abuse and hatred against her former religion on her now dead-and-buried “Aftermath” show, she held the opposite position.
I recently had the pleasure of introducing a United Nations diplomat—a friend of a friend—to the subject of Scientology and the life of its founder L. Ron Hubbard . Here was her response. She told me she grew up in a Soviet country where propaganda was like rain in Ireland—you learned to expect it.