This is not free thinking. This is hostile to religion and to an individual’s freedom of religious choice, as outlined explicitly in the U.S. Constitution and its amendments.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” has fallen on hard times in American campuses of late, abandoned amid partisan firefights and outright violence sparked by self-righteous outrage at “offensive” points of view.
We LOVE football in our house. Everybody has a different favorite team they’re passionate about which makes holiday shopping easy. My family has even been sponsoring an all-skill-levels weekly pick-up flag football game in our neighborhood for a decade now.
If a man breaks the law, does he then lose his right to be treated as a human being? It’s got to be said that here we’re treading on the toes of a very controversial and contentious issue.
I believe in the power of speech. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in my First Amendment rights. I believe in our country and our government. Mostly. I believe that our Constitution is there to protect us. All of us. And should be defended at all costs.