On this day we are asked not to reflect, not to commemorate, so much as to try to conceive a crime so unspeakable as the cold-blooded murder of 11 million individual human beings, over 6 million of them Jews.
This is the pattern of the dehumanizer. Their motives are not pretty, altruistic or honest. Coat the venom with a veneer of acceptance and eventually your target will succumb.
Recently, I saw the movie “Darkest Hour”, a film about Winston Churchill’s rise to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, on May 10, 1940 and the nearly overwhelming forces of Hitler’s Germany he confronted in the early years of WW II.
Libel means false accusation. For centuries, a particularly vicious libel has been leveled at Jews: that they sacrificed Christian children and used their blood for religious rituals. That is why it is called a “blood libel.”