My heart’s desire this Mother's Day—and every day of the year—is for a world full of love, inclusivity and tolerance. Tolerance starts at home.
A lifetime has already passed since that 1963 speech, and we, at the end of that passage of time, still live in a country made dangerous by hate.
How could I let my friend get away with denigrating another religion and call myself a real Scientologist? We treat other religions the way we want our religion to be regarded and treated: with respect.
After attending university and later, in corporate America, I noticed an odd trend—the more people become “molded” into the current expectations of society, the more they become entrenched in the workaday world, the more they ignore this hope that religion had perhaps once given them. They get caught up in their fast-paced life and begin subscribing to the religious cynicism currently in vogue, despite their social media accounts preaching “tolerance.”
A society worth living in is one in which religious tolerance is alive and well. Let us then make conscious efforts to be more tolerant of those whose beliefs are different from ours, and trust in them to do likewise.
We would have dinner and spend the rest of the night talking till the wee hours about religion—he from his perspective and me from mine as a Scientologist—starting with comparisons of morals and over a few evenings getting deeply into our spiritual nature.
When I was a child in France, the word “culte” just meant “worship.” Still does. In fact, when intolerant types there want to disapprove of some faith, they have to call it a “secte.” Of course, in the USA a cult can be anything from “the cult of skinny jeans” to some dark, authoritarian thing.
I believe that the Masterpiece opinion will make such bodies more aware of the need to produce decisions, however they rule, that are respectful to the rights of both sides and provide at least some hope for reconciliation.
He was shot five times—twice in the stomach, twice in the leg and once in the elbow. He wasn’t a Marine and he wasn’t deployed in Afghanistan or Iraq.
I am a Scientologist of over 35 years, and my friends and I are here to tell you that we are no different from you.