“Anti-Domestic Violence Campaigner” Tamron Hall Promotes Woman Abuser on Show 

When someone is “played,” one can feel sorry that the person has become a victim of a criminal type.

But Tamron Hall is no fool. She’s a professional newscaster, yet she provided a platform for Leah Remini—an antireligious, anti-Scientologist bigot—to spew lies about the Scientology religion. Perhaps even more sickening for Tamron Hall personally, she aided and abetted someone whose cohost, Mike Rinder, is a documented wife-beater and abuser. Tamron even gave airtime to this woman abuser, flashing his smiling photo on the screen.

Tamron Hall
Tamron Hall, who showcased a woman abuser on her talk show on October 2 (Photo by Lev Radin/Shutterstock.com)

With the knowledge that Renate, Tamron’s sister, was murdered and had an abusive partner, I find it unconscionable that Tamron promoted a podcast whose cohost sent his wife to the hospital. To this day, a decade later, the mother of Mike Rinder’s children is still in physical therapy as a result of his abuse. She suffers permanent nerve damage. Meanwhile, Tamron encouraged her viewers to watch the podcast in which Rinder victim shames her.

Perhaps even more sickening for Tamron Hall personally, she aided and abetted someone whose cohost, Mike Rinder, is a documented wife-beater and abuser. 

Tamron Hall has stated that she feels a responsibility for her sister’s death because she knew of the abuse. She even started an anti-domestic violence campaign. Really? Her actions demonstrate otherwise; her actions demonstrate someone who would befriend a criminal and promote domestic violence.


There is a Church of Scientology right in Harlem on 125th Street and if Tamron Hall, who is Harlem-based, wanted to know about this religion and our extensive work in her community and across the world, she should have called, scheduled a tour of our community center, and been given all the information she could want. Or she could have just watched the episode all about our Harlem church on Scientology.tv. Instead she embraced two bigots: one a failed actress, the other a wife-beater.

I, for one, find it disgusting. 

Caralyn Percy
Caralyn Percy has four major skills—singing, writing, public speaking and sales. Married for over 40 years and with 3 highly professional and beautiful daughters, she is proud to blog for STAND.