Enough With the Bigotry Against Latter-day Saints

It always astounds me when bigots find an excuse to have a hate tantrum about The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints and its members.


Latter-day Saints temple
In downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, Temple Square is a center of history and worship for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Photo by Aaron Hawkins/iStock via Getty Images)

I defy anyone to find a community—religious or otherwise—that has a better behaved, better educated, more prosperous, more orderly and thriving membership than the Latter-day Saints.

Go ahead. I’ll wait…

The bigots of Sin City have taken great umbrage that some residents might not be sitting in front of a slot machine.

Every time I go online or on social media and find someone on a rant about Latter-day Saints, I invite them to go to homeless camps, drug dens, crack houses, jails, prisons or—as in the case of this latest bigot-fest—bars and casinos, and find me a Latter-day Saint. In fact, if you’re ever sitting around bored and need something to do, it should keep you busy for a while. Like say, FOREVER.

Instead of Latter-day Saints, what they will find is drugs, alcohol, crime, insanity, man-made illness and the products of a bureaucratic educational system that turns out damaged people like an assembly line.

The latest rant started when The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints dared to begin planning a new temple in the Lone Mountain neighborhood of Las Vegas. That’s right. The bigots of Sin City have taken great umbrage that some residents might not be sitting in front of a slot machine, swilling free liquor, with a cigarette dangling from the side of their lip as they lose their 401(k)s, life savings and children’s inheritance. Worse yet, the presence of Latter-day Saints in the neighborhood might possibly remind someone that they may have missed the mark with their less-than-noble lifestyle choices.

Interestingly, nobody gripes when an apartment building, condo complex, shopping mall, housing tract or anything else commercial is built, but as I recently read in Freedom Magazine, a Latter-day Saints temple suddenly makes them worry about “traffic noise and lights”? Sorry. I’m not buying it. It’s bigotry and discrimination against a community that rarely, if ever, affects other lives adversely. On the contrary, the work ethic and prosperity of the Latter-day Saints community usually benefit all those lucky enough to be touched by them.

Rodger Clark
Contractor, history buff, compulsive learner, currently in recovery from authoritarian education.