Five Things You May Not Know About David Miscavige

Thousands of Scientologists are alive today who personally met, interacted and worked directly with the Founder of our religion, L. Ron Hubbard. Scientologists are very fortunate to still be so connected to him.

Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige
Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige

While I’m not lucky enough to have personally known L. Ron Hubbard, I am lucky enough to have met the ecclesiastical leader of our religion, David Miscavige, on several occasions. Each meeting has been unique and left an extraordinary impression on me.

There are a few things I think people would be surprised to know about David Miscavige, so I thought I would share them here.

1. David Miscavige is humble.

Scientology Ecclesiastical Leader David Miscavige

The thing that struck me most after our very first conversation (and in every interaction since) is how genuinely interested David Miscavige is in you when you are speaking to him. As the leader of a global religion, he is objectively important, but he never behaves in a self-important manner, and you never have the feeling that he’s too busy to give you his full attention.

The word that comes to mind is “gracious”—incredibly so.

2. David Miscavige is a true leader. 

Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige at annual celebration

The thing I am reminded of every time David Miscavige speaks to an international audience about the latest Scientology advances around the world is that he has an extraordinary ability to chart a course and then get everyone rowing in that same direction. This is a quality I think most exceptional leaders have in common. The degree to which our religion has grown under David Miscavige’s leadership is astonishing by any metric. That’s because he understands Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s vision for our religion—and how to manifest that vision in today’s world.

David Miscavige’s fealty to the technology of Scientology—while still facilitating its broad use in modern society—is equal parts art and science, and for me it really comes down to the fact that his vision is so clear and so humanitarian that you can’t help but be excited with where he’s going. You want to come along and support what he’s working on because it’s so clearly what the world needs in order to make things better for all.

3. David Miscavige is a gifted artist. 

Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige with a camera

As someone from a music and arts background myself, one of my favorite aspects of the way David Miscavige approaches his work is that he is an artist who understands the importance of aesthetics and creativity in communication. One of Mr. Miscavige’s early roles within the Church was working directly with L. Ron Hubbard as Director of Photography for the original Scientology training films—films that help Scientologists learn how to properly apply the technology of Scientology to a predictably successful result. Anyone who has seen these films will tell you that they communicate so well and so clearly that the creative presentation has an almost therapeutic quality to it. It’s really something you have to experience firsthand to appreciate.

4. David Miscavige has helmed the Scientology religion for more than three decades.

Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige at the Shrine Auditorium

One of the things I personally admire most about David Miscavige (and am most grateful for) is that he has steered the ship from the late 1980s to the present. Scientology is the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century and, thanks to David Miscavige’s steady leadership, is the fastest-growing new religion in the world today. It’s especially rewarding for me as a parent of an 18-year-old son to see our Church expanding so positively in every direction—with an entirely new generation experiencing for themselves the daily miracles that Scientology offers, and feeling inspired to volunteer their own efforts and time to help others have similarly miraculous experiences.

5. David Miscavige was L. Ron Hubbard’s trusted friend.

Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige at Saint Hill

Given all of the above, it’s no surprise that L. Ron Hubbard handpicked David Miscavige to ensure the protection, preservation and future expansion of Scientology. Mr. Miscavige was L. Ron Hubbard’s most trusted friend, which is why Mr. Hubbard awarded him the Star of Trust in 1982. The Star acted as a public statement to the world that Mr. Miscavige was “speaking personally for L. Ron Hubbard.”

Like so many others around the world, I’ve watched in awe and gratitude as our Church has expanded and flourished. I have personally benefited immensely from Mr. Miscavige’s work to restore the technology of Scientology to exactly what Mr. Hubbard intended. I use that technology every single day, in every area of my life, and the fact that I’m alive at a time when L. Ron Hubbard’s vision is being realized so perfectly is an extraordinary privilege that I never take for granted.

I’m always excited and amazed to see what David Miscavige has planned next—and he never disappoints!

Photos of David Miscavige courtesy of the Scientology Newsroom.

Wil Seabrook
Musician, writer, business owner, human rights advocate, aspiring Renaissance Man.