“We Are All in the Gutter, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars.”

A group star-gazing

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” —Oscar Wilde

More and more, these days,
I see an ugly few
Building roofs between us and the stars,
While insisting we’ll forever stay
In the gutter

I see a media that disrespects us
Sacrificing truth to the gods of scandal

I see the soulless insisting
You and I also have no souls—
That the only thing that feels about us is skin

I see “liberators” chaining
“Enlightened” readers reading with their eyes closed
And a no-longer-proud people,
For the most part, asleep

I see those kneeling at the footsteps of the temple, at peace,
Being laughed at
By very unhappy people—
People who would kill before they looked at their true selves

I see it
And you see it too
So I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you
What Oscar Wilde said

Yes, we are all in the gutter
But there are still the stars

So long as we stop liars from building roofs,
Hypnotizing us into believing
There is nothing more to life than gutter