Why Leah Remini is Only Worth Pitying

One of the first things one learns about when studying Scientology is the definition of an overt act. An overt act is an act which harms more then it helps. It is an action that is contrary to optimum survival.

Why is this so important to know about and understand? Because without this understanding we will never quite know the real reason behind the individual who becomes hostile and critical of others.

The reason is simple. Man is basically good. He is seeking to survive at the highest level possible. When he commits an act that he knows to be harmful, he regrets it and attempts to reduce the stature of the recipient of that harm in order to lessen his guilt from having done it. This makes (he thinks) the harmful action easier to live with.

And because we understand why they act as they do we do not hate them, contrary to what you might think.

Here is an example. I steal $20 from my dad’s billfold. Now I feel badly about having done this. I “reduce” the harm of the act by deciding Dad is a cheapskate, never helps me out and doesn’t need the money as much as I do. Now the pressure of having committed the overt seems less.

Here is how Mr. Hubbard puts it:

“Here we have the source of the dwindling spiral. He commits overt acts unwittingly. He seeks to justify them by finding fault and placing blame. This leads him into further overts against the same terminals (individuals, groups) which leads to a degradation of himself and sometimes those terminals.”

Here is another example of how this works. Joe is married to Jane and they have a perfectly happy relationship. Then, one day, Joe is invited to have coffee with an ex-girlfriend. He decides to do this for “old times’ sake” with no intention of doing anything wrong but thinks that he had better not tell his wife because she might not understand. He meets with his ex-girlfriend and they spend a few hours together and this ends in a hug and a kiss and more.

Now Joe has the overt of cheating on his wife. He goes home, and when Jane innocently asks where he has been, Joe suddenly becomes upset with his wife for asking and says she doesn’t trust him and she “is always nagging at him.” Later, he invents other reasons to be critical of his wife, and if the source of Joe’s upsets and hostility toward Jane is never revealed, this could ultimately lead to a divorce with Joe blaming Jane for the reason he left her. (Overts always precede hostile criticism.)

A Scientologists, we understand this and we see it play out all the time in the world around us. This is what’s at work with destructive individuals like Leah Remini and a few others so hostile and “critical” of Scientology and Scientologists.

And because we understand why they act as they do we do not hate them, contrary to what you might think. Of course we must do what we can to help them by pointing out the harm they are causing themselves and others. But we do pity them, because we can so easily predict into what dark spiritual depths these continued overt acts will lead them. And it isn’t pretty down there.

John Pantermuehl
Husband, father, grandfather. Reflections on 50 years loving life, friends and family as a Scientologist.