Austin Man Arrested and Charged After Making Terrorist Threats on Church of Scientology

Brandon James Mason, a 27-year-old Austin man, was jailed and is facing third-degree felony charges after the FBI received emergency disclosure information from Meta about a series of social media posts threatening to bomb the local Church of Scientology.

Austin man mugshot

The posts, including “IM GONNA GO BLOW the SCIENTOLOGY BUILDING UP,” appeared on Instagram between September 20 and 21. Even after the Instagram account was banned, Mason continued posting similar threats on new social media accounts, according to investigators.

Bigotry spawns hate speech, which, in turn, results in one thing only: violence.

Police traced the threats to Mason through a search of IP addresses, phone records and social media accounts. According to his former roommate, Mason had abruptly vacated his home in September, the same period the threats were made.

Under Texas law, any threat of violence to either person or property with the intent to place a person or group in fear of serious injury can be the basis of a terrorist threat charge. Mason’s third-degree felony charge carries a penalty of up to 10 years in jail, with a mandatory minimum of two years, a fine of up to $10,000 and restitution to the victims. If convicted, he would also be prohibited from voting or possessing firearms.

STAND applauds Austin law enforcement and the FBI for their efficient work in apprehending the suspected source of these horrific social media posts. Bigotry spawns hate speech, which, in turn, results in one thing only: violence. We can be thankful that, in this case, the hate speech was cut off in time.