Leah Remini

Disney – Please Hear From The People A&E Harms
Please rise to the occasion and close the window. Pull the plug on further shows that will only degrade your reputation. You may not realize the harm they do to individuals and families; I have seen it.
Disney – Please Rein In Your Bigoted Subsidiary
I have been a Scientology Minister since 1968. What you are doing by sponsoring this Leah Remini witch hunt against Scientology and Scientologists is all too familiar. You are harming a lot of good people who save lives and help people all over the world.
Disney Should be held accountable for A&E bigotry
Please step up and take some responsibility for righting this religious persecution.
Disney: please help stop the bullying
I have always loved Disney for their anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies but not now that you are supporting a program which is only creating false information, bigotry, bullying and discrimination against Scientologists.
Disney: if you are dedicated to human rights, as you say, rethink promoting Leah Remini
I decided to write you as I recently found out that A&E has just green lit another season of “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.” I’m not sure if you are aware of this or what this show is about, but I wanted to share with you how it has affected my family.
Canceling my subscription to A&E
I’ve always believed that hate begets hate, and Leah Remini’s one-sided program sends America a message that it is okay to terrorize someone because of their religious views.
Disney/A&E Brand Promoting False “Reality” Series
This is the second time now that I am writing to you in hopes that I can appeal to a sense of responsibility as a major media conglomerate with viewers everywhere. The Disney brand is one that carries with it a high standard which should not be compromised by carrying false and deceptive content.
Why Would Disney Support Leah Remini’s Hate Campaign?
My husband and I have been Scientologists for over 40 years. During this time we have raised three wonderful boys using Mr. Hubbard’s technology and we find it offensive that our children and grandchildren and children of other Scientologists should be targeted by your program.
Geico Stop Supporting Hate on A&E
As members of Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND), we write to express our utter disgust at Geico once again sponsoring A&E’s Leah Remini’s show and to place our demand that you cease any further corporate support of this blatant religious bigotry and hatred. A&E’s show has to date caused over 500 threats of murder and violence, which is what your advertising dollars are supporting.
Anheuser-Busch, Don’t Stand for A&E’s Hate Campaign
Your sponsorship is, wittingly or unwittingly, assisting a blatant attempt to destroy an American religion. Threats of violence have been made against members of my church. There are real consequences and real people involved. At this time we are witnessing that inciting hatred leads to violence, and your support of this program is not benign. By so advertising you are condoning this hatemongering. Imagine if this show were about your belief or religion.