religious freedom

What is “Separation of Church and State” About Anyway?
I recently read an article in which the author asserted that the purpose of freedom of religion and “separation of church and state” is to protect religion from government (not the other way around).
What the Wonder of Stonehenge Has To Do With Religious Freedom
The news reminded me of my own visit to Stonehenge some decades ago. Like so many others, I was very curious about what drove a people lacking any sort of technology to haul 20-ton rocks many miles and place them in a precise order. The people who built it in multiple stages between 5,000 and 2,600 years ago left no written history of themselves, so we can only guess.
When Anti-Discrimination Becomes Discrimination: The Canadian Defense Ministry Is “Redefining Chaplaincy”
Eliminating discrimination is important. Instituting a new set of discriminatory practices undermines that goal.
Why David Miscavige, the Leader of My Religion, Is a Personal Hero of Mine
For me he represents hope, courage, grace, and a herculean dedication to the truth.
Why God Is Love and We Should Love All People of All Faiths
My relationship with Christ and subsequent knowledge of God will not allow me to be an enemy to those who choose a different path to him.
Why My Religious Rights Are Being Threatened in Los Angeles County Superior Court
This is an odious attack on ALL religions, and our right to choose our religion for ourselves.
Why Our Houses of Worship Matter
Like many Americans, I tend to take for granted that we have religious freedom in this country.
Why Our New Church of Scientology of the Valley Makes Me Proud
Have you ever been proud of some special achievement in your life? Perhaps it was something you did on your own, or perhaps you worked with others to bring a project to fruition.
Why Religion Matters Now More Than Ever
More than ever in these tumultuous times, Man needs knowledge of his own spirituality and a higher state to reach for as a goal.
Why Religious Freedom and Equality Aren’t Mutually Exclusive
The Justice Department has waded into a Supreme Court case involving a Colorado baker who refused to create a wedding cake to celebrate a gay marriage. On September 7, it filed a supporting brief in favor of the baker.