David Miscavige

How David Miscavige Helped Me Change My Life
Over the decades of his leadership, Mr. Miscavige has taken Mr. Hubbard’s vision for Scientology and turned it into a reality. I can’t even conceive of how much work it took to get all the pieces in place.
Why I’m Convinced David Miscavige Is the Coolest Man on Earth 
Though he has a schedule that would leave many a CEO feeling faint, he has the gift of making you feel like you’re the center of the Earth while you’re in his presence.
Celebrating Eight Years Since David Miscavige Opened the Doors of Freedom Wider in Budapest
The history of Hungary itself is a chronicle of a people yearning for, grasping at, and ultimately fighting for an idea: freedom.
David Miscavige—Shaking Hands with My Hero
He made me feel like I had truly helped and, as anyone who is given the opportunity to help others knows, there is no better and more validating feeling.
Musings on a Remarkable Man—Mr. David Miscavige
Despite all the noise, the attacks, and the general craziness of planet Earth, Mr. Miscavige rose to the occasion and secured Scientology’s place in this world.
My Friend, David Miscavige 
It’s kind of difficult to express to a non-Scientologist what David Miscavige means to us. I can only try to communicate what he means to me.
A Bridge Between the Past and the Future: Celebrating David Miscavige’s Opening of the Tel Aviv Ideal Org on Its 12th Anniversary
“This center … represents our recognition that all religions hold central truths in common and thus may work together to achieve the common dream of universal brotherhood.”