religious freedom

USCIRF Unanimously Elects New Chair and Vice Chair
“I will dedicate the next year to leading this team with Vice Chair Ueland to further promote freedom of religion or belief abroad.”
America Celebrates National Religious Freedom Day, Thanks to Mr. Jefferson
"All men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion." — Thomas Jefferson
UK Lawmakers Move to Strengthen Religious Freedom
“History has shown that, where freedom of religion or belief is under threat, other human rights are often also at risk.”
In Unanimous Decision, Supreme Court Protects Religious Rights of Workers
The U.S. Supreme Court sided with Gerald Groff, a devout Christian who had been ordered to work on Sunday, the Sabbath.
Secretary of State Releases Annual Report on International Religious Freedom
“We know the powerful change that’s possible when governments and civil society come together to stand up for human rights.”
A Bittersweet Anniversary: What Was It With Germany?
Three generations earlier the grandparents of the Germans who affirmed our right to believe had engaged in an attack on a religious minority in their country, one that would culminate in the extermination of millions of German Jews and millions more throughout Europe.
A Curriculum For Our Time: RFI Educates Youth on the Importance of Religious Freedom
“Far too many Americans today simply don’t know that our nation’s founders came to understand religious freedom as our first freedom.”
A Jewish Scientologist’s Reflections on Hanukkah and Religious Freedom
This year, on the last night of the holiday, as the candles in our menorah flickered out with puffs of smoke, I thought of the meaning of Hanukkah. We celebrate a long ago victory in a fight for religious freedom.
A Millennial’s Plea for Religious Tolerance
After attending university and later, in corporate America, I noticed an odd trend—the more people become “molded” into the current expectations of society, the more they become entrenched in the workaday world, the more they ignore this hope that religion had perhaps once given them. They get caught up in their fast-paced life and begin subscribing to the religious cynicism currently in vogue, despite their social media accounts preaching “tolerance.”
A New Years’ Ode to Religious Freedom
One of my personal goals in 2018 has been to speak out, loudly and as often as necessary, to protect my religion, Scientology, and my family and friends who join me in that faith. It’s become pretty clear to me that there are a few people, including some influential ones, who would love nothing more than to take away my freedom to practice my religion.