L. Ron Hubbard

What Scientologists Are REALLY Up To
While I have been Jewish all my life, for the last 12 years I have added Scientology to my religious resumé. In practicing a new religion, I have encountered lies, false information and mis-information about what we “do.”
What’s the Magic Word?
There’s a beautiful word that represents a concept, a viewpoint, a way of looking at things. I’ve been growing grey waiting for the world to pick up a Scientology book and learn this word and, I recently decided, I shall wait no longer.
Why David Miscavige, the Leader of My Religion, Is a Personal Hero of Mine
For me he represents hope, courage, grace, and a herculean dedication to the truth.
Why Does Scientology Keep Its Upper-Level Teachings “Secret”?
When I started hearing about the “OT levels” I was curious as to why much of it was kept confidential. Over time, I answered my own question. And here it is.
Why I Trust L. Ron Hubbard
Occasionally in the course of a day, I hear disparaging things about people I know and love. I’m sure this has happened to you. When it happens repeatedly about someone I respect, then I feel I have to say something.
Why Scientologists Fight Back Against Discrimination
Anywhere the freedom of a person or a people has been lost, at any time, it’s because they were not alert and did not fight back.
Why Stuart Wright is Wrong
I just read about Stuart Wright, the neo-Nazi hater of Jews, and God knows who else, who vandalized synagogues, and I’d like to say a few words to him. Francis Salvador, Haym Salomon, Mordecai Sheftall and Reuben Etting.
We Can Do Without Edgar Wright’s Hypocrisy
Being a musician, I’m always interested in fellow artists who chart their own path and create music that is truly representative of their unique world—not derivative of what is “hot” at the time or purely motivated by a desire for broad acceptance.
Rebelcircus clickbait story betrays bigoted premise
Your (whoever you are) characterization of the Founder of the Scientology religion is offensive in the extreme, and you should be utterly ashamed, if indeed it is possible for you to feel shame.
Atlantic.com’s Misleading Article on Scientology
The underlying flaw is that he repeated highly specious statements from highly tainted sources rather than consulting academic sources such as those available at scientologyreligion.org.