
GSK supporting hate in A&E’s Scientology The Aftermath Abuse
In an era when we need to focus on the great things that unite us all, don’t be the corporation that’s funding the rise of hatred in America. Because let’s face it, if Scientology were guilty of all those things that she claims it is guilty of… jeez if it were guilty of just one percent even…justice would have been swift and sure and I would not be writing this letter to you, imploring you to recognize your human decency and not buy into the hype of hatred.
New York Post’s Religious Contempt
The religious contempt you expressed in your article headline is such blatant bigotry. Couching it in “One wonders whether the backlash will affect Moss’s chances on Emmy night” outs your actual intent. I am frankly shocked.
Gridiron Capital Siding With Bigot Remini?
This country has seen, in its history, far too much violence from false information. With such recent events as the Charlottesville tragedy, we can see that bigotry only begets more violence and harm to the people of a nation. We need to put a stop to such destruction by not supporting individuals who seek to create it.
IKEA—Built on Good Works—Should Not Support TV Hate
The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. famously stated: “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
Join the List of Companies who Stopped Advertising on A&E/Remini
Please know that through your advertising dollars you are encouraging hate and bigotry in a country that is built on freedom of religion.