
Scientology and Contemporary Definitions of Religion in the Social Sciences
A Bittersweet Anniversary: What Was It With Germany?
Three generations earlier the grandparents of the Germans who affirmed our right to believe had engaged in an attack on a religious minority in their country, one that would culminate in the extermination of millions of German Jews and millions more throughout Europe.
Observe The Truth For Yourself!
I was born in 1943, too young to experience World War II. I am Jewish and as I grew older I learned about the Holocaust and the atrocities of the Germans during the time of the Nazis.
Lawsuit Charges Illegal Dismissal Based on Religion
The former Personnel Administrator of Munich’s House of Art, a 22-year veteran of the museum, has sued the institution for wrongful dismissal for terminating him based solely on suspicion about his personal religious beliefs and religious association, charging religious discrimination...
STAND Supports German Law Curbing Digital Hate Speech
Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND) appreciates that the German federal government has taken upon itself to more forcefully curtail hate speech on digital platforms, as reported in the New York Times.
STAND Supports Baha’i German religious pluralism conference
Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND), is in strong support of the German religious pluralism conference organized by members of the Baha’i faith in Germany and the Anne Frank Foundation, with the German government’s State Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Integration.
Why has the German government engaged in discrimination against Scientologists and the Church of Scientology?
Religious Discrimination Against the Church of Scientology and Its Parishioners in Germany
For more than two decades, officials in the German government have condoned a policy and practice of religious discrimination against Scientologists in Germany. Federal and state officials have urged the public to blacklist and boycott Scientologists from every aspect of German life.