
Unanswered Questions About Jonestown—Part Four: The Buried Agenda of Leo Ryan
To this day, the assailants that closed in on Ryan’s fallen body and riddled it with rifle and shotgun blasts have not been conclusively identified, although as many as a dozen or so “possibles” have been named in connection with the attack. And so, as in the case of Congressman Hinds, the killers of Congressman Ryan escaped accountability from any court of law.
Unanswered Questions About Jonestown
Dr. Mootoo did not waver in his assessment of what had happened: the vast majority of Jonestown residents were victims of murder, not suicide. The bodies he examined had not died by drinking fruit punch, poisoned or otherwise. Death, he said, came via hypodermic injections.
Unanswered Questions About Jonestown—First in a Series—Who Silenced Joe Holsinger?
In November 1988, the Chicago Tribune featured his comments in an article by Bruce Buursma. Holsinger, Buursma wrote, “has doggedly insisted that a ‘disinformation’ campaign was launched by the U.S. government to conceal the truth about Jonestown.”
Unanswered Questions About Jonestown—Witnesses Report
Was Jonestown one of the worst massacres of innocent American men, women and children in history? What purpose could the deaths of so many people have served? Could an external force have been responsible? If so, who might it have been?
MEDIA WATCH Headlining for Criminal Deprogrammer
I sincerely recommend that you adopt a policy of research first, write second. There are frequently at least two sides to a story. It would behoove you to get the other side(s)—or you’ll have to get very familiar with eggs.
RCC Awards STAND’s Work
Many Scientologists and non-Scientologists have contributed their writing and their passion to the STANDLeague website since its launch in February 2017, establishing its vital role in fighting discrimination, providing truth, and dispelling falsehoods.
Unanswered Questions About Jonestown
The most senior medical authority to arrive on the scene, for example, Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, chief medical examiner of Guyana, reported that the bodies he examined had not died by “drinking the Kool-Aid,” but by murder.
Why STAND Is Covering Jonestown Today
“Murder is the ultimate violation of a person’s human rights,” said Edward Parkin. “When evidence points to murder, complete investigation is not just warranted. It is mandated.”