
Bigotry: Nothing Funny About That
If someone were to make a list of the top 10 least funny things, “bigotry” would undoubtedly make the cut. There’s very little that’s funny about bigotry. That’s all the more unfortunate because everyone tells me laughter is the best remedy.
Interfaith Courage Awarded at Second Ministerial for Religious Freedom
More than 30 years ago, Ivanir dos Santos began combating racial discrimination and promoting rights of members of minority groups; he has never faltered in that mission. Today a priest of the much-discriminated-against Candomblé religion, Mr. dos Santos’ most visible achievement is the “Walk in Defense of Religious Freedom” in Rio de Janeiro. The walk has become “an annual event that draws some 50,000 participants from diverse religious backgrounds, including Candomblé, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Spiritualists, and atheists.”
When Anti-Discrimination Becomes Discrimination: The Canadian Defense Ministry Is “Redefining Chaplaincy”
Eliminating discrimination is important. Instituting a new set of discriminatory practices undermines that goal.
Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Dr. King’s work pushed this civilization forward, advancing tolerance, freedom and understanding among the peoples of Earth,” said STAND International Director Edward Parkin. “His selfless dedication—and the words he chose to so passionately and compellingly express it—continues to inspire millions, and will forever.”