Targeting people, especially strangers at random, to be punished simply because of how they look or where they come from is insane behavior that should be treated as such. There is no place for it in a civilized society.
It’s human nature to want to understand things. Our relentless curiosity is what drives us forward as individuals and as a culture. Most people take it for granted that the present is a more enlightened age than any previous one, the idea being that we are constantly evolving and improving.
I remember when I first became aware many years ago that there was a Wikipedia entry about me. It seemed, back in the burgeoning digital age, like having your very own Wikipedia entry was some kind of stamp of legitimacy—that you were now officially relevant.
If you disagree with someone’s political, philosophical or religious beliefs, according to Karlis and her sources, you have a right to victimize and deprogram them.
The vast majority of people in the world are good. They have their hopes and dreams. They have family and friends whom they love. They have jobs and projects and passions and art.
May you come to see the people you write about as actual flesh-and-blood beings, with goals, feelings, failings and emotions rather than as convenient ciphers to scorn.
I grew up around horses. My family raised them, cared for them, rode them, bred them, trained them, bought and sold them. Back then it was even still legal to go out and catch wild horses and bring them home.