A decade ago, the Royal Society of Medicine posited that psychiatry had become “the new religion,” replacing priests with psychiatrists, confessionals with clinics, and prayers with pharmaceuticals.
I say: bring on more of these spiritual/religious messages. If it is difficult to get young people to come into church then certain very well-known artists are bringing God to their fans’ ears through those ’ear buds’. And that works for me.
Just as scientists don’t rely on the blessings of priests to practice their disciplines, priests do not need the approval of science for their continued right to exist and to provide for the spiritual needs of their parishioners.
The dead were also removed from view, literally, when Reformation iconoclasts whitewashed hundreds of colorful religious murals inside Medieval churches to remove any trace of Catholicism.
A religion is bad because of the horrible things done in its name. Right? That’s like saying that the institution of marriage is bad because of some people’s infidelity.
A U.S. Appeals Court has recently ruled that a 40-foot high cross located at a busy intersection in Bladensburg, Maryland violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution because it is located on public land and maintained at government expense.
Incorrect news and information starts in one location and then metastasizes like cancer, spreading out and lodging in secondary sites, then spreading further until it overwhelms the body or common sense and becomes something “everybody knows.”
Falling away from church, moral codes and belonging has created depression and anxiety. It has created a sense that one is alone no matter how many strangers surround them.