Bloggers of the Roundtable

Last Thursday night, my fellow Los Angeles-based STAND Bloggers and I met at the Valley Church of Scientology for our annual holiday get-together. I like to think of us as being a modern-day version of the Knights of the Round Table… a tight-knit group using their keyboards, in lieu of swords, to defend the faith and fight for the rights of all.

STAND blogger standing and being applauded
STAND Blogger Dean Glosup shares why he’s passionate about religious freedom and gets an applause from the group at the STAND holiday reception.

These “Bloggers of the Round Table” are an eclectic bunch: musicians, writers, lawyers, pilots, business owners, clergy… you name it, and despite the seriousness of their mission, they’re an insouciant lot and great company. The party was a roaring success, and everyone went their separate ways feeling the kind of boost that comes along with a hefty dose of holiday spirit.

Happy Holidays, dear reader.
A video message being shown
A STAND member in Florida delivers a holiday video message to the Los Angeles STAND team.

Driving home I found myself reflecting on the evening. I had the thought that the holiday spirit doesn’t mysteriously come to us once a year from some secret place. Rather, it lays dormant within each of us, and once a year the symbols of the season remind us to wake it up and let it out.

Happy Holidays, dear reader. May the season renew and revitalize your strength of spirit and so guarantee you a most happy and prosperous New Year!

Jim Kalergis
Jim is a Los Angeles based screenwriter specializing in edit/rewrite work. In previous careers, Jim was a disk jockey, developed educational materials for industry, and managed a number of broadcast TV studio operations. His free time activities include ham radio and contributing to web-based discussion groups on a wide range of subjects.