Puppies & Porn Stars Can’t Cover Up Jacques Peterson’s Daily Mail Bigotry

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
—Sir Walter Scott

Daily Mail reporter Jacques Peterson has a secret identity.

By day, he is bigoted anti-Scientology reporter “J. Peterson for DailyMail.com,” but by night, he is a bigot known by the X (Twitter) handle “JACQU3$,” and the username “@Jarcadey.” As JACQUE3$/@Jarcadey, Peterson maintained a cozy conflict-of-interest relationship with a self-avowed anti-Scientology bigot with whom he, no doubt, had deep, meaningful conversations concerning the most efficacious ways to churn out slanderous anti-religious screeds.

But wait! Jacques does something with his alter egos that even Superman can’t do: They talk to each other.

A word to the not-too-wise, Jacques: You can’t block the truth out with earplugs.

After publishing a frantic anti-Scientology rant in the Daily Mail, Peterson-as-JACQU3$ reposted the Daily Mail’s tweet promoting it and then replied to his own post using the handle of his bigot buddy, thus achieving a three-way with, well, himself. The tweet exposed Jacques’ hatred of Scientology, his alliance with a fellow bigot and his trampling on the anti-discrimination policies of the Independent Press Standards Organization, to which the Daily Mail supposedly pledges its allegiance. Then, when STAND outed Jacques’ aliases along with his trashing of journalistic ethics, Jacques retreated into the shadows, made his account private, erased all the incriminating tweets and set the thing to public again—complete with a photo of an adorable puppy.

Nothing to see here. Do you like my puppy?

Along with the puppy, the sanitized account now featured a smiling photo of Jacques posing with Australian porn star Angela White.

But the horse was already out of the barn. While Jacques pictured puppies and porn stars, STAND published the incriminating, since-deleted slime-dripping tweet.

The jig was up. But did Jacques come clean on his flouting of journalistic ethics? Did he own up to the fact that he was underhandedly in cahoots with a certifiable nut, laughably bent on—by that nut’s own admission—“destroying” the Church of Scientology? Did Jacques do the decent thing—retract, recant and repent?

No. He deleted his account’s entire timeline—500 tweets worth—and to further cover his muddy footprints, took on—you guessed it—yet another secret identity—“@Jaaacquess.”

And like the stupefied ostrich who thinks he can block out the world by plunging his head in the sand, Jacques blocked STAND from his account, thinking that what he can’t hear can’t harm him.

A word to the not-too-wise, Jacques: You can’t block the truth out with earplugs.

And psst: It’s not a secret alias if we all know it.

Look, Jacques, you’re embarrassing yourself with all these “secret” identities. You should stop before you become an angry mob all by yourself. Time to rethink your life choices, buddy.

Possibly there’s a porn star out there who could use an Emotional Support Bigot?

Martin Landon
Martin Landon is happy to say that at present he is not doing anything he doesn’t love. Using Scientology, he helps people daily, both one-on-one through life coaching, and globally, through his webinars. He has also authored books, movies, plays, TV shows, and comic strips and currently writes for STAND, which gives him great joy.