The Reviews Are In! Ben Sherwood’s The Daily Beast Is a “Bad Faith Troll Hole” “Hit-Piece Rag” “Crap Factory” “Staffed by Bottom-Feeders.”
(And those are the nicest things people have to say!)
Most businesses live by their reviews… or die by them.
For Ben Sherwood’s The Daily Beast, it appears to be the latter.
The verdict is in—and it is absolutely brutal. The Daily Beast, as led by Ben Sherwood, is:
- “The most unreliable source of information.”
- “A garbage website, staffed by garbage people.”
- “A propaganda machine.”

- “Lies and smears.”
- “Gossip, hit-piece rag.”
- “Loathsome in ways it’s hard to fathom.”
- “Pure trash.”
- “Activists masked as journalists who libel you.”
- “Bitter propagandists.”
- “A crap factory.”
- “Daily Barf.”
- “Trash, from top to bottom.”
- “Information terrorists.”
- “Shameless.”
- “The worst rag in America, staffed exclusively by bottom-feeders.”
- “Gross tabloid, bad faith troll hole.”
- “For garbage readers.”
- “Right up there with a 9-day-old smegma sandwich.”
- “Failing Beast.”
- “Scum.”
- “Some of the most self-righteous and arrogant people in journalism.”
- “About as appealing as a tumor.”
- “Like TMZ.”
- “Bordering on satire.”
- “Laughable beyond belief.”
- “A comically irrelevant self-parody of elite media.”
- “The National Enquirer of news.”
- “Like Buzzfeed written by a hyperbolic teenager.”
- “Drivel.”
- “Clickbait blogger trash.”
- “Awful.”
- “An overall reeking odor of smarminess and pretension.”
- “The work of deranged, craven, bestial crackpots.”
- “Horrible, bad taste, lowest of the low.”
- “Propagandists and liars.”
- “Nothing but clickbait.”
- “Trash newspaper.”
- “The hyperbole of an angry 16-year-old on Twitter.”
- “Garbage.”
- “Trash.”
- “Straight garbage.”
- “More crap from a toilet. One day you’ll overflow.”
- “A scam from top to bottom—stay away.”
- “Total idiots.”
- “It’s amazing anyone takes them seriously.”
- “I shudder to think that there are people out there that actually believe their bulls—t.”
When ABC hit the eject button on Ben Sherwood, credible accusations of sexual misconduct followed, and it’s no wonder the only place Sherwood could land is the internet sludge factory known as The Daily Beast.