The Sun’s Resident Bigot, Grant Rollings, Gets an English Lesson

Dear Grant Rollings,

We of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to English are writing you to protest your misuse of the word “journalist”—specifically as you’ve used it to describe a person you call “Journalist Tony,” aka Tony Ortega.

Original image by Grzegorz Zdziarski/iStock via Getty Images

Mr. Rollings, you have contorted the definition of “journalist” to mean “enabler and glorifier of child sex trafficking as practiced by Backpage, the largest online sex trafficking site in the world until it was shut down by the FBI with its honchos convicted.”

Perhaps you were on the wrong end of a losing bet?

Or possibly you misconstrued “journalist” to mean “anti-religious bigot daily manufacturing canards out of whole cloth about the Church of Scientology for the titillation of other anti-religious bigots.”

Then again, you may have meant the word to mean “maker-upper of phony stories that shame rape victims or falsely announce the discovery of Confederate graves where they don’t exist, thereby sparking wide condemnation from all corners of the journalism community.”

All these things and more would describe Tony Ortega.

You’ll notice that “journalist” isn’t one of them.

Perhaps you were on the wrong end of a losing bet?

Or perhaps you were using a special dictionary, like the one used on Bizarro World, that defines each word with its opposite meaning?

In that case, what may we expect next?

“Do-Gooder Adolf?” “True-Blue Judas?” “The Sweet and Kindly Witch of the West?”

Or maybe, just maybe, you DID mean to call him “Journalist Tony.”

Maybe you really do know what the word means, and putting “journalist” in front of his name was your pathetic attempt to lend credence and respectability to a person who, in truth, is a dastardly craven boor of the lowest order.

In which case, in all future correspondence, we will address YOU as “Journalist Granty,” and you’ll know exactly what we mean by that.

Yours sincerely, etc.

Martin Landon
Martin Landon is happy to say that at present he is not doing anything he doesn’t love. Using Scientology, he helps people daily, both one-on-one through life coaching, and globally, through his webinars. He has also authored books, movies, plays, TV shows, and comic strips and currently writes for STAND, which gives him great joy.