My family came to this country to escape religious persecution, so I find it terribly distressing to hear that you are choosing to do a biased, one-sided piece on the Church of Scientology and Scientologists.
January 3, 2017
ABC News
New York, N.Y. 10023
Dear Mr. Harris,
My family came to this country to escape religious persecution, so I find it terribly distressing to hear that you are choosing to do a biased, one-sided piece on the Church of Scientology and Scientologists.
Your program can only be intended to create hate and bullying against those I dearly care about—my family and my friends and their families. I would think you would reconsider creating this effect as there is already enough dastardly bigotry and misinformation happening in this country.
Personally, I have found Mr. Hubbard’s courses most helpful especially while raising my four children and now my grandchildren. For instance, the Church’s strong anti-drug position and the information that was made available to educate my children against the use of drugs kept them from making choices that would have been damaging to them. I am most grateful to the Church and Mr. Hubbard for this!
In all the 42 years that I have been studying and using Mr. Hubbard’s data in my life and with my children, I have NEVER encountered anything inappropriate. In fact, just the contrary. They have become very bright, decent and caring people who are committed to using morals and ethics in their lives and in their dealings with others.
I do hope you will change your mind about airing this program. And I would like a personal response to this letter, please.
The Warner brothers, my family, were very aware of the power of this medium—film and TV—and I can only hope that you will acknowledge your responsibility to use it as an instrument of peace and understanding as they did.
Most sincerely,
Cass Warner (granddaughter of Harry Warner)
Clearwater, Fla.