You don’t know what a shock it was for me to find out today that I’m not real! I just checked myself yesterday and I seemed real enough. But if Yahoo, and Leah Remini say so then it must be true!
November 9, 2017
Yahoo News
Dear Ms. Baldwin,
My pen name is Rodger Clark. I’m one of the bloggers for the Church of Scientology website STAND. The reason I use a pen name is to minimize the amount of bigotry (oh, excuse me… “activism”) I have to put up with.
You don’t know what a shock it was for me to find out today that I’m not real! I just checked myself yesterday and I seemed real enough. But if Yahoo, and Leah Remini say so then it must be true! Who am I to argue with an actress? (Talk about having your day ruined!) What do I do now?
First, I’d better get on the phone to Wil and Mel and Stu. They need to know that they’re not real either! What a mess…
You know guys, I put up with what passes for news on Yahoo. I’ve had mail accounts there for 20 years and don’t want to change. I also understand that grocery store gossip rag type stories sell ad space and money is, after all, the point of the exercise in the news business. But pathetic, un-vetted reporting is still just that. To state that I’m not a real person is both libel and fraud. Enough is enough. I’m out. Google hello. Yahoo goodbye.
It’s been fun.
Rodger Clark
Los Angeles, Calif