Amazon: You’re Choosing Hate Over Humanity

Not that long ago, Jews would attempt to pass as gentile to protect their families. Fortunately, this is no longer the case in America (we hope). But bigotry grows a new head when the old one is cut off. You wouldn’t support the American Nazi Party’s finale on its “groundbreaking” series on Judaism. Or would you?

August 22, 2019

Mr. Jeff Bezos
410 Terry Ave. North
Seattle, WA 98109

Dear Mr. Bezos,

Leah Remini’s hate-fest—her “Aftermath” show on A&E—is fortunately about to die. She’s planning a “finale,” a swan song, a death rattle, if you will. And if you advertise on it, you’ll be sponsoring a conduit for bigotry—an orgy of hate speech.

I believe in the First Amendment. I believe in free speech. But you should know exactly what this show is, and I urge you to decide if you really want to be part of it. I’ve been involved with Scientology since a young age. I was a staff member of the Church for over 20 years. The fact that it is a bona fide religion in the truest sense of the word is a matter of broad agreement amongst impartial, international religious scholars. The fact that the Church of Scientology adheres to the letter, spirit, and intent of the law is also the subject of countless documents.

My father and uncle were bar mitzvahed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in the 1950’s, the same synagogue that was the site of the deadliest attack on the Jewish community on American soil.

All that aside (as if that wasn’t enough), it’s my church. I’ve been hearing “media people” badmouth it for decades, and it’s growing old. They’ve given a voice to a gang of self-corroborating apostates whose stories are rapidly deteriorating due to the falsehoods in their claims and dissent among their ranks.

My father and uncle were bar mitzvahed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in the 1950’s—the same synagogue that was the site of the deadliest attack on the Jewish community on American soil. I used to visit my grandparents in that neighborhood. After the incident, I called my Jewish family and we talked about it. They know I’m a Scientologist. We love and respect one another.

I never play the victim card. Ever. But I have two children, ages 4 and 8. Should my boys decide to practice Scientology later in life, I want them to be able to stand in line at the coffee shop and talk freely and openly about Scientology, without a pang of concern that the patrons and barista just had their brains stuffed with distortions and lies from a media-funded clique of ousted ex-members. I don’t want them growing up in an atmosphere of hate.

Not that long ago, Jews would attempt to pass as gentile to protect their families. Fortunately, this is no longer the case in America (we hope). But bigotry grows a new head when the old one is cut off. You wouldn’t support the American Nazi Party’s finale on its “groundbreaking” series on Judaism. Or would you?

Please withdraw your support of Leah Remini’s bigoted hate show.

Dylan Green

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