What a pity that at this time when citizens of countries all over the globe are looking deeply at their own behavior to root out ingrained bigotry, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is smugly asserting that they know who “deserves” to be defamed.
June 4, 2020
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
To whom it may concern,
At a time in human history when people of all nations are facing enormous and unprecedented social challenges, the Church of Scientology is stepping up their already fulsome humanitarian efforts to bring order and peace. Their answer to the pandemic has been to take far-reaching steps to inform the public of the successful ways to cut down the risk of infection, to back up (as they always do) first responders, to bring a message of hope through art, and many other positive and effective measures too numerous to list.
Their efforts have been and are widely appreciated by nearly everyone they reach, except apparently the editors at the CBC, who seem to be convinced that the other great pandemics of these times, discrimination and prejudice, simply don’t apply to the Church of Scientology.
What a pity that at this time when citizens of countries all over the globe are looking deeply at their own behavior to root out ingrained bigotry, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is smugly asserting that they know who “deserves” to be defamed. Shame on you.
The CBC is attempting, outrageously enough, to foment hatred and intolerance, even as the world reevaluates the horrendous effects of hatred and intolerance and is taking to the streets to call it out. What timing!
This is a time for reflection and empathy, as many of us change our attitude toward our fellows to a more compassionate one.
It’s time for the CBC to look around and notice that the old ways are changing, and to cease and desist destructive and baseless accusations against well-meaning groups like the Church of Scientology.
Jim Meskimen