I was disgusted to see the discriminatory articles written about my church and fellow parishioners.
April 5, 2021
Ms. Gay Alcorn
Editor, The Age
Dear Editor,
I was disgusted to see the discriminatory articles written about my church and fellow parishioners.
As a long-term Scientologist and supporter of our humanitarian and community volunteering activities, I think it is very sad that the media would prefer to try and sell news articles with twisted hatred about a religious organisation because of a slow news day, rather than find something to write about that actually assists their readers.
For someone to attack an organisation that’s helping society get over the many sufferings in Australia recently, such as bushfires and COVID—it clearly shows their true colours, and that they have no interest in the betterment of others.
It’s downright un-Australian to have a go at those helping others.
Shameful journalism.
Mark Little
Victoria, Australia