
Disney’s Latest Family Value: Hate
How Disney feels comfortable coming down on that side of the fence is beyond me. Apparently, their real values are not family values.
From Bambi to Bigotry: Disney’s Steep Fall
My sons were raised on Disney. We watched movies like Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Toy Story, over and over and over and over again.
Of Bigots and Bullies
It’s bad enough when adults turn a blind eye to bullying, it’s disgraceful when they encourage it, and it’s criminal when major U.S. corporations contribute to the problem by airing or sponsoring TV programs that set up innocent kids as “different” and therefore as targets.
The Not-So-Magical Magic Kingdom
Why “family friendly” Disney would risk its reputation by sponsoring a hate show against a religious group begins to make sense when you measure it against the reward that would be obtained if it could destroy a group that was causing pain to one of its major income sources.
To Remini, Rinder, et al: Don’t Be a Leech
Why would anyone devote their life to tearing someone else down? In the last 45 years I’ve seen such people pop up occasionally, gain attention, and then disappear. They’re never known for their own accomplishments.
Walt Disney Would be Appalled that the Company he Founded is Inciting Religious Hate
If Walt were alive today there’s no question Remini’s show would never exist on one of his networks.
Why I Know Walt Disney Would Be Ashamed
I remember two things about Walt: one was that he was really tall and the other was that he was the kindest man I had ever met.
Disney & Remini: You Picked a Bad Time to Be Haters
Out of touch. That’s how haters like Leah Remini can be described. Like all bigots and bullies, she is even proud of being so.
Disney Friendliness and Remini Hate Are Like Oil & Water—They Don’t Mix
This is the United States of America. This country was founded on the idea that everyone should be able to worship as they choose. This show is an attempt to turn back time and create a country where only the “sanctified” religions are allowed.
Disney: Look at A&E Crashing Viewer Ratings
Disney needs to recognize that the bigotry of this program adds about as much to the public understanding of Scientology, and religion in general, as a Ku Klux Klan rally adds to racial harmony.