
MEDIA WATCH an Apologist for Leah Remini’s Instigated Threats and Violence
Remini’s hate campaign, misrepresented as a “public service” in your puff piece, has caused actual harm to individuals and families, as demonstrated in these specific instances I know of personally.
Disney Asked to Take Action Against Discrimination Toward the Scientology Religion
Why is it acceptable to support and promote a documentary which is born entirely from hate and directed at my friends, my family, me? Does someone really have to die before religious bigotry against Scientology is taken seriously?
Rev Dr. Cecil (Chip) Murray Letter to Disney
By condoning the airing of this series, Disney makes itself a party to the violence resulting. I understand that the Church of Scientology has had hundreds of threats of death, violence or vandalism incited by the show.
STAND Warned “The Real” Leah Remini’s Hate Speech Leads to Violence. They Didn’t Care.
“Are you comfortable with Scientologists receiving such threats after the airing of your show, on which you intend to irresponsibly showcase an individual who makes her living off of spreading bigotry against a global religion and its members?”
STAND S­upports U.N. Effort on Behalf of Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
“Freedom of religion or belief, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of association are interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing. They are enshrined in articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Toronto Religious Leaders Unite Against Hate
After senseless anti-religious violence in the nation, Church of Scientology Toronto hosted an interfaith service to affirm cooperation among diverse religious communities.
Vandalism at California Churches Investigated as Possible Hate Crime
Two churches in West Covina, California, were vandalized and defaced by a man who spray-painted anti-religious epithets on religious statuary, signs, walkways and windowpanes.
White House Condemns Blocking of L.A. Synagogue, Antisemitism & Violence
“Americans have a right to peaceful protest. But blocking access to a house of worship—and engaging in violence—is never acceptable.”
The Horrors of Hate—A Tribute to Those Who Died Too Young
Groups do not bleed. Generalities do not bleed. People do.
Seven Years Later, Remembering the Violent Hate Crime Leah Remini Inspired at My Grandchildren’s Church
This hate-induced act of violence serves as a sobering reminder that bigotry and propaganda can have serious and frightening consequences.