Church of Scientology

Church of Scientology of Europe and Religious Allies Hold Faith and Freedom Summit
On June 28 at the landmark Solvay Library, situated near the European Parliament, a large group of faith and government representatives met in what has been termed the first Faith and Freedom Summit.
Hungary: ‘We Want Religious Freedom!’
A recent report by the prestigious nongovernmental think tank Freedom House, for example, revealed that Hungary has become the weakest democracy among all countries in the European Union,
Interfaith relations flourish as Ahmadiyya Muslim Ladies Tour Scientology headquarters at Saint Hill
To further increase friendship and to explore interfaith relations, Ahmadiyya Muslim ladies came to the Church of Scientology UK headquarters at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead in Sussex this past weekend.
Scientologists Express Appreciation for the Life of Thomas S. Monson
The following is a letter from STAND member and President of the Church of Scientology Utah Sandra Lucas on the occasion of the passing of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Thomas Monson. We publish it here as it expresses the feelings of STAND members everywhere.
Why is Scientology a church?
STAND Releases Code of Conduct for Reporters Covering the Scientology Religion
We expect media to adhere to these basic standards of journalistic ethics and common decency in the coverage of our religion.
The Gospel According to Deadbeat Hatemonger Yashar Ali
True to his word, Yashar stalks and harasses Scientologists to such an extent that his own disciples call his rants “deranged,” “insane,” and “ridiculous.”
So You Know All About Scientology?
Possibly you’ve heard reporters and internet parrots squawking the same lines over and over.
The IRF Roundtable: Parting the Waters for Religious Freedom
Since its founding, the IRF Roundtable has attracted representatives of 800 organizations and has launched over 200 initiatives championed by a mosaic of faiths.
Religious Leaders and Scholars Urge Passage of Senate Religious Freedom Resolution
“The fundamental right of every person to have a faith, live your faith, change your faith, or have no faith at all must be recognized throughout the world.”