Anheuser-Busch Supporting Anti-Religious Hate Show on A&E
By your endorsement, you condone the many threats of harm to me, my fellow Scientologists and our church properties. I cannot imagine that you would do this to the religions of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism and put their followers at risk.
No Wearing Skechers in Protest for Advertising Support of A&E Hate
Leah Remini’s programs on Scientology are designed to create a false picture of Scientology, its organizations, and its leaders. This is why I can no longer consume, purchase, or support those companies that sponsor this show and I call on them to fully withdraw their sponsorship of the show.
Geico’s Financial Support of Anti-Religious Propaganda on A&E is un-American
For a company such as Geico to support with your advertising dollars a program that, through false information, blatantly attacks my religion and the people that practice it, is not just un-American, it is absolutely fascist.
Sears, Why Fund a Hate Campaign When You Can Support Tolerance?
I am appalled at A&E’s scripted “reality” show attacking my religion. This has generated more than 500 hate crimes against my church and its members. I have had to file police reports on several of these perpetrated against the Church in San Francisco since this show began.
Sprint—We Have a Right to Tolerance Without the Hate You Fund
I believe I have the right to enjoy a peaceful life, free to practice my religion in harmony with my fellow man. I protest your support of this no-talent Leah Remini trying to disrupt our lives while she attempts to make a living spewing hate.
AAA—It is Time For “Tolerance, Inclusion and Diversity,” Not Religious Discrimination
More and more executives and business leaders are waking up to the fact that they have a moral obligation; in a recent New York Times article, Mary T. Barra, Chief Executive of General Motors, emphasized this when she called on people to “come together as a country and reinforce values and ideals that united us—tolerance, inclusion and diversity.”
Hate Speech is Real. ExxonMobil: Do Not Pay For It
Someone close to my family was confused and almost poisoned by the lies and the hate that this “reality TV” show has spread. Fortunately, she was able to see through the lies and is back to her usual, buoyant self.
Pop Culture Media Promoting Leah Remini Lies, Discrimination and Bigotry
Rather than waste time trying to explain to a propagandist why she and her rehearsed and paid “guests” are so non-credible, I thought I should give you the viewing public’s opinion of her series. Last night’s was the lowest of both seasons.
The A&E/Remini Hatred You Fund Causes violence
Enough on today’s attacks and negativity. There are many different viewpoints in this world and we can all get along with those differences. But to support continual ATTACKS against people of faith resulting in threats and harm…this has gone too far.
Little Caesar Pushing Hate and Intolerance is Offensive
Remini is just another intolerant hater adding to the escalating bigotry. She and her show should not be supported by anyone who cares about the truth and trying to bring people and groups together in tolerance and friendship.