
Why Tolerance Works
When I was in my teens I could cruise any major street in Southern California and stop for a hamburger. Now I can stop for Mexican food, Middle Eastern food, Chinese food, sushi, Indian food, Thai food, Italian food, vegan food ... or I can have a hamburger.
Women’s History Month: Celebrating the Voice That Sang a Nation Into Change
When one thinks of women who pushed the boundaries of civil rights, one seminal figure is rarely mentioned. Her name was Marian Anderson.
Your Company’s Role in Eradicating Hate
Board rooms around the globe, but particularly here in the U.S., must heed well the calls of diversity, equity and inclusion. They must come to the party and take a stand against hate.
Preposterous accusations
I am writing regarding 20/20 and the inappropriate and outright preposterous accusations against the Church of Scientology regarding children.
Religious bigotry and discrimination rampant at NBC Universal.de
What this survey does show is that media propagandists select a target to attack to create a preconceived false narrative and then conduct a “survey” to determine the result of their propaganda attack. Germans have a history of doing this unconstitutional and tortious act against designated “targets.”
Disney: please help stop the bullying
I have always loved Disney for their anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies but not now that you are supporting a program which is only creating false information, bigotry, bullying and discrimination against Scientologists.
My daughter is being bullied thanks to Leah Remini and A&E
[My daughter] has been dealing with teachers spreading hate to the class about our religion, student insults about Scientologists and bigoted statements from two coaches that are date coincident with the airing of this show.
Disney: if you are dedicated to human rights, as you say, rethink promoting Leah Remini
I decided to write you as I recently found out that A&E has just green lit another season of “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.” I’m not sure if you are aware of this or what this show is about, but I wanted to share with you how it has affected my family.
Religious discrimination in 2017, sanctioned by Disney? It just doesn’t add up.
My name is Dominick Joseph and I am writing you today in an attempt to focus your attention on the negative effects that are being created in my life and the lives of people I know as a result of a show being produced by one of your channels, A&E, called “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.”
The Wonderful Company Advertising on A&E Religious Discrimination Network
You are advertising on a network that has blatantly supported religious discrimination which has led to acts of violence against people of faith. It is disgusting and I’d like your help to make this stop.