
First Amendment Voice Grapples with the State of Religious Freedom in the U.S.
Religious freedom is at a tipping point in the United States according to a virtual panel conducted by First Amendment Voice.
Is Mainstream Media Guilty of Stirring Bigotry and Discrimination Against the Innocent?
Mainstream media is paid quite handsomely to manipulate public opinion. I’d like to tell you about a dirty little trick that they use in getting this job done. It’s one of those things that seems to be hiding in plain sight. When you know what it is, you'll find it popping up all over the place.
Liberty Mutual, We Are Shocked You Support A&E Hate TV
If you advertise on such programs it broadcasts that you are in pro-religious discrimination, pro-bigotry and pro-violence against parishioners of a religion.
T-Mobile, Respect Not Discrimination Is the Way To Go
I believe a large advertiser has the responsibility to act in an ethical manner and not support such religious bigotry which often leads to violence. What can possibly be the gain for you to do this?
Hollywood Reporter: Honestly, What Were You thinking?
I tried in vain to find any intelligence, humor or grace in Scheck’s article. Indeed, it’s really clear that Scheck began watching the programming with a specific agenda in mind—he knew he had to pan the show.
Geico Corporation Sponsoring Religious Hate Against Scientology?
What’s one of America’s best-known insurance brands, where “15 minutes can save you 15% or more…” doing supporting a controversial hate and propaganda program such as the A&E’s Scientology and the Aftermath? There must be less controversial and offensive productions that Geico can cash in on.
While World Seeks to Unite, CBC Spreads Hate
Your “journalism” which traffics in fear and lies is helping no one make it through this pandemic. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is spreading hate at a time when it has never been clearer that we are all in this together.
STAND Condemns Religious Discrimination in Bavaria
Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND), an international movement of concerned Scientologists, denounces in the strongest possible terms Bavarian state government discrimination against an employee of Munich’s Haus der Kunst Museum solely due to his religious beliefs.
Amnesty International Decries France’s Olympic Hijab Ban
Anna Błuś, a researcher for Amnesty International, accused the French of targeting “certain people. And it’s very clear that it’s very often Muslim people.”