anti-religious hate

Skechers, Supporting A&E’s Hate Show, Equivalent to Supporting KKK
Skechers is promoting religious hate through your advertising support of the Leah Remini series about Scientology on A&E. Support of this show is equivalent to supporting the Ku Klux Klan’s views against non-whites and Catholics or supporting Nazi views against Jews.
The Wonderful Company Advertising on A&E Religious Discrimination Network
You are advertising on a network that has blatantly supported religious discrimination which has led to acts of violence against people of faith. It is disgusting and I’d like your help to make this stop.
Volkswagen Paying For a Bigoted Show That Attacks my Religion
Do you think it is smart, funny, or otherwise appropriate to sponsor a show that is fomenting hatred and animosity toward a religion? Is this your idea of an intelligent use of your shareholder’s money?
Unilever, Your Ad Money Pays For Discrimination of My Religion
I understand that you may or may not care about any of this. But if you are a religious or spiritual person at all, or have people of faith in your company, I urge you to ask some hard questions about your continued support of this show.
Hyundai’s Sponsorship of Leah Remini Anti-Religious “docuseries” Unacceptable
A young woman was literally incited to a violent act pretty much solely by Remini's hate speech and the agreement of fellow haters. And in the weeks following, other strangers decided to pile on by making threatening calls or posting on social media that they were glad this had happened to us.
Sponsoring A&E’s Hate TV Program Not a Bright Focus
Aligning your products and media energies to show positive actions that are happening in the United States is what we as a people need. We need to calm the rhetoric, and this A&E program is not doing that. It is inciting violence where there need be none and where there is no reason for hatred or violence.
A&E/Remini Hate TV Show Does Not Deserve Chrysler Ad Dollars
There is too much conflict and turmoil incited by people like Leah Remini, and it is time to not only cancel the show, but to air the truth, share the proven technology to help people better themselves and end the hatred she promotes.
Enough is Enough Nissan: No More Money to A&E Hate
It is a fact that overt and covert discrimination is what leads to violence, and right here and now I am standing up for my rights not to have violence leveled against myself or my fellow Scientologists.
Libman Company—Enough of Your Support for Hate and Bigotry
I have been studying and practicing Scientology since 1981 and it has greatly benefited me and all those with whom I am in contact. Don’t we have enough hatred and bigotry going on in our country and the world today? I’m confident that you will withdraw your support of this show once you see how misleading and cruel it is.
Sears, Why Fund a Hate Campaign When You Can Support Tolerance?
I am appalled at A&E’s scripted “reality” show attacking my religion. This has generated more than 500 hate crimes against my church and its members. I have had to file police reports on several of these perpetrated against the Church in San Francisco since this show began.