
I was fortunate enough to know, and have wonderful conversations, with a truly fascinating woman—my great grandmother. Just think of it.
I was on vacation on the East Coast of Spain at the age of 21 when I went swimming with a friend in a secluded cove. An idyllic setting.
The other day, I read an online article that spoke of how an animation studio’s approach to storytelling was repurposed and being used to sell products, ideas, and even political candidates. It reminded me that we humans are not as logical in our decision-making process as we would like to believe.
My father was a brilliant man. He held a doctorate in law, was literate in both Spanish and English and, after 20 years as a judge, could whip through a 50-pound legal brief like you and I read text messages.
I guess there is bigotry everywhere, but—oddly enough—I don’t experience too much of that here in South Africa. If you look for it, you will probably find it, but bigots are no longer welcome here.
As a Scientologist, a STAND member and a United States citizen who spent the bulk of her college career studying the American founding and what this country was designed to be all about, this day definitely means something to me.
I’ve heard plenty of people ask, “If Islam is a religion of peace, why aren’t they speaking out against terrorism?” My answer is and has been for a while, “They are.” Just one example of this can be seen here. Now, why didn’t you hear about this? Muslims speaking out against terrorism .
Many generations of Supreme Court Justices have tried to define the correct balance of church and state.
We LOVE football in our house. Everybody has a different favorite team they’re passionate about which makes holiday shopping easy. My family has even been sponsoring an all-skill-levels weekly pick-up flag football game in our neighborhood for a decade now.
What’s the saying? “It’s as American as baseball and apple pie?” Football gets a lot of the love these days but whenever I go to a live baseball game—anything from little league to major league—I always feel like I’m part of something special, something quintessentially American.