Okay, I finally did it: I divorced Facebook. I let my friends know that I am done and won’t be visiting that space any more. Why? Because, I am tired of seeing so much hate spewed on social media. I’m tired of all the cyberbullying. It’s truly becoming anti-social media.
In a recent Scottish YouTube video, the creator orchestrates his dog giving a Hitler salute to the camera. Whether you think that video is funny or offensive, the Scottish courts are actually taking the video maker to trial and he could face prison.
I’ve been reading about the train stabbing incident in Portland with a heavy heart. Like so many others, I’ve been trying to make some sense out of all of it—to put it into some sort of understandable context. As a Scientologist, it’s my personal reality that we are all spiritual beings.
I won't get into how it was, but one day I was sitting in a hotel in Siberia, downing a few vodka shots with Misha, the owner. We were having a polite argument about what life was actually like in America.
The Austrian Parliament recently passed a law banning women from wearing garments that cover their face s. As is the norm with such laws that have sprung up in various parts of Europe, it pretends to “neutrally” apply to everyone.
The defacing of a public monument is a despicable crime in and of itself. But when the target is a beloved figure like Anne Frank—as happened recently at the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial—and when the motivation is clearly anti-Semitism, acts of defilement reach a whole new low.
I believe in the power of speech. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in my First Amendment rights. I believe in our country and our government. Mostly. I believe that our Constitution is there to protect us. All of us. And should be defended at all costs.
So now you can sit in a booth at Stuttgart airport and access 300 audio prayers from a variety of world religions. The seed for it was planted back in 2008 with an experimental project by German artist Oliver Sturm. I have mixed feelings about this.
I’ve been following the President’s current overseas trip with interest. Whatever people think of the man (and I haven’t yet found a person who doesn’t have a strong opinion), I find it fascinating that he has chosen to reach out to faith leaders of all three Abrahamic religions.