I appreciate that the video game industry is no longer a venue where older actors “go to die” and that it has now become a much sought-after location to perform. However, to use it as a launch pad to attack a young and thriving religion leaves a bad taste.
Our world has enough hatred and venom. You don’t need to add to it. Why not share some love, some respect, some care for others? We all live on the same planet.
The verdict issued by the jury stated that Ross had “acted recklessly in a way that is so outrageous in character and so extreme as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.”
In the future please find out what you are writing about before you publish it. By doing this you will avoid foisting off on your readership your own prejudices.
People can watch Scientology television and make up their own minds now. Oh, and by the way, people are now pouring in to find out what Scientology is all really about.
When was the last time your reporter Lloyd Grove helped victims of natural disasters, helped save a marriage or gave someone the confidence to go in the direction of their dreams and live the life they imagine? I sincerely doubt that he ever did.
Snarky had its day and its day is over. The vast majority of people want truth, compassion, inclusion, and tolerance which is what we, as a church, stand for.