My family came to this country to escape religious persecution, so I find it terribly distressing to hear that you are choosing to do a biased, one-sided piece on the Church of Scientology and Scientologists.
Respecting the religious beliefs of others is very important in this world. Not only that, but attacking one of the fastest growing religions which can prove with statistics and facts how it is bettering and improving lives, saving lives of those on drugs, is just wrong.
My parents are both artists and always believed in me and allowed me to make my own decisions on whether or not Scientology was for me. I grew up with great friends and memories of my Church.
Going after our children is disgusting. You are setting up the children of Scientologists to be bullied in schools because others may not realize how one-sided and untrue your show is in its portrayal of Scientology.
It is very rare that I get truly angry, but I am. When your program communicates that Scientology is harmful to children, and that as a Scientology parent I am “brainwashed” it is both an insult to my integrity as a parent, and a total fabrication.